Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Progress So Far...

So it's been almost 7 weeks since my gastric bypass.  Lots of really exciting things have happened already as a result of my surgery (aside from the issues related to my cyst), and it seems appropriate to celebrate these accomplishments.  

The initial list of medical problems that I suffered from that lead me to the Weight Management Institute was frightening.  But look!  Some improvements are already evident, and this is only the beginning.
  • High blood pressure:
    • I still suffer from high blood pressure, but "my numbers" seem to be improving!
  • Chronic pain from osteoarthritis in my knees, ankles and low back: 
    • Dramatic Improvement in all areas have been noted!
  • Non-insulin dependent diabetes:
    •  ✔My blood sugar is consistently excellent, and I am no longer on medication for my diabetes!
  • Chronic heartburn from GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease):
    • My heartburn and GERD are cured!  No more heartburn pain or need for medication since the surgery!   
  • Severe sleep apnea requiring the use of a C-PAP machine at night:
    • I continue to need the CPAP at this time, however as I continue to lose weight my doctor's suggest that this will likely change.
  • Impaired mobility -  I was having difficulty getting around without a cane:
    • I am much more comfortable walking, and already I can get around most of the time without a cane except for longer distances.
  • Periodic venous stasis wounds on my legs requiring daily wound treatment and aggressive compression treatment ranging from compression hose to the use of a lymphedema pump.  
    • No wounds since the surgery.  Minimal episodes of swelling in my lower legs, though I do wear a less unpleasant form of compression most of the time. 
All in all this is pretty exciting news.  Today when I saw my dietician for my routine visit,  we did a body composition test showing that while I am losing both muscle and fat (which is to be expected), even with minimal exercise I'm losing a solid amount of fat.  My ultimate goal is to lose 3 pounds of fat for every 1 pound of muscle.  Today I am at 1.75 pounds of fat for every 1 pound of muscle.  This gives me a goal to work toward.

Other positive information from the session with the dietician: I can eat most things now as long as I am cautious about the food textures (apple skins, stringy veggies, dry or overcooked meats, etc.).  Of course I am eating really small amounts of food, still.  I am supplementing my diet with the same protein powder I used for the months before my surgery when I was on the "partial liquid diet".

I have lost 50.7 pounds since I started the "partial liquid diet" on 6/4/10.  I broke the 300# mark on 9/27/10.  Follow along for continued progress, and please join me in celebrating these exciting improvements in my weight loss efforts.  I admittedly have a long way to go -- but it all seems possible to me now when I consider the progress I've made so far.  

For those of you in my "fan club" who have been supporting my efforts - thank you so much!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Weird Little Things During Week 6

I want gum -- and a Coke.  And what the f--k is with the dreams about food?

This doesn't seem too deep, this topic. I'm sure that cravings and intensely vivid dreams about food are "normal" at this point in the process.  It's just a little perplexing to me that it's all happening at once!

Before I was even totally committed to the idea of getting a gastric bypass, one of the dietician made a suggestion to the group about breaking bad food habits and planning ahead.  She suggested that we use the time we had (at that I was into the program for about 2 months, but secretly wasn't completely committed to the actual surgery) to begin looking at habits like gum chewing, drinking carbonated beverages, or drinking highly caloric drinks in the form of Coke or juices.  For those of us who had virtually months to go, this didn't seem too difficult, even though  I was a gum chewer and a carbonated, high-calorie drink consumer.

Happily, luck was with me.  I was able to quit drinking Coke, juices and even carbonated items by the time I was ready for surgery.  But now, suddenly, I am faced with cravings for things I thought I'd put behind me.  None of these things are something I can enjoy again -- it's not really safe to drink carbonation, or chew gum (especially since I am a gum swallower) after surgery.  I guess these issues may continue to follow me as I accept my new lifestyle.  The learning process for this is not a straight line, clearly, but something that will take time to wholly become a part of me.  More to come on this topic I imagine....

Weight Loss Update:  I am down a total of 50.4 pounds since my Bariatric Surgeon put me on the liquid diet and initiated the requirement of a 30 pound weight loss as mandatory before I could have surgery.  I lost 27 pounds at the time we scheduled my GB surgery.

Cyst Update:  I am scheduled for another big surgery again on October 6th for the removal of my ovarian cyst.  More on this later....

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

This Too, Shall Pass...

Initially, when I planned for my Gastric Bypass surgery, I spent a lot of my time writing in this blog.  I felt, I think, that my blog would help me to be accountable to friends and family members who were keeping an eye on my progress.  In a family with divorced parents,  I felt this would be an option for keeping everyone kept "up-to-date", and of course my friends have tuned in as well.

After I returned to my room following the Gastric Bypass  I learned very quickly about my ovarian cyst.  Even before the extent of the cyst was discussed in detail with me, I felt somehow cheated and put in a place where I had to pay attention to something other than my weight loss.  I had wanted to revel in the excitement of my "new life".  I wanted to blog.  I wanted to succeed.  I wanted to focus on the emotional and psychological elements of having a gastric bypass.  I wanted to exercise.   And finally, I wanted to fully commit to the next phases of my weight loss experience without looking back.  

One thing that has perplexed me and served as a real source of confusion is the fact that I have had so much difficulty moving on from the cyst.  I haven't wanted to blog.  I've worried, and dabbled in anger, fear, and even some unproductive emotions while trying to "move on".  But its time.  I am ready to move on.   We've scheduled the date for the upcoming surgery for October 6, 2010.  

My goal now is to visualize a healthy and successful move forward, an uneventful surgery with no surprises post-op.  If you care to help, please visualize success along with me! 

I  continue to feel supported by my amazing group of doctors who generously work with me and one another.   Many, many thanks to Drs. D;  L;  W; and my newly added gynecologist,  Dr. S! 

Friday, September 3, 2010

23 Days Since Surgery - An Update

Today I am 23 days from the date of my surgery.  At more than 3 weeks post-op, I’d love to be able to say that my gastric bypass surgery experience really wasn’t so bad, but there were some unexpected things that turned up during my surgery that created a difference in how I have experienced my post-op recovery. Shortly after they began my surgery, they discovered that I have a very large ovarian cyst that is the size of a watermelon, and fills my entire abdominal space.  This cyst is large and painful, as they often are.  In my case the diagnosis explained a few things that had bothered me for a few months prior to my surgery.  Without going into great detail, I had though that I was suffering from a bladder infection though the symptoms were inconsistent and didn’t completely point to a urinary tract infection. Nevertheless, I moved toward my surgery date imagining that my weird symptoms were pointing to nothing important.

Post-operatively I was pretty excited to find myself beyond my surgery.  All of the hard work, tons of research, months of appointments, and positive thinking had brought me here – to this point.  I was excited until I remembered being told that there was a cyst.  A what?!

I was able to do everything I needed to do to get out of the hospital.  I walked, swallowed pills, and drank on command.  But I was also really anxious – it was this cyst – the knowledge that something else was in there, and it needed some medical attention.

I’m scheduled to have an abdominal ultrasound done followed by a visit to my gynecologist next week.  I’ve been focused on getting this matter dealt with, although I’ve had to cancel each appointment once because I was still experiencing some post-op pain.  

So what was the hold up in getting back to writing about my experience?  That’s been a tricky topic to tackle actually! In considering this carefully, I guess I’ve really struggled with the knowledge that something is still inside me needing medical attention. I’m still trying to get used to the idea that I still have another potential surgery still left in my future.  It’s felt like a distraction from my weight loss goals and efforts.  It felt incongruous, somehow - writing about my gastric bypass while I was so distracted by my cyst!  
It’s taken a little time to screw my head on again, but I’m ready to resume my duties as a blogger.

Next time:  Head Hunger.  More about that nasty little urge to eat for reasons other than hunger…