Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hair, and the loss of it....

Today is day 92 since my gastric bypass, and I've lost a total of 80 pounds.  

I've been reading a great deal lately, in the book I mentioned in my last post, and also a book called Fat No More - Long Term Success Following Weight Loss Surgery by Gail Engebretson & Robert Magnan.  What a great and oh, so reassuring book to read at this point in my process!  Why, you might ask?  Because I'm finally at the point when my weight loss isn't all singing and dancing with hardly any effort being exerted.  It's suddenly gotten more difficult!  

It all started a few days ago when I noticed more than the usual amount of hair in my brush.  It happened the next day, and the next!  When I washed my hair, even more was in the drain!  I knew this normally could happen between the 4th and 7th month most often.  I'm a little early (always the early bloomer), but there's no question - my decrease in hair is here.  I'm telling myself that thinner hair is not as big a deal as walking around with 80 more pounds on me, and the health benefits are completely worth it, but geez....  my hair?  ::Sigh::  bummer.

I'm also noticing that I'm hungry more often lately.  I have been losing weight, but more slowly, and I am concerned that I've gotten lazy - I'm not calculating precisely the protein I'm eating, I'm more guessing.  I'm eatting plenty I think - but I know I should be planning ahead, not counting backward and guessing at the protein amounts!  Fortunately, Engebretson's book addresses these and many other obstacles that frequently befall post-weight loss surgery patients. 

My plan:  write it all down again before I eat it and think about the big picture, talk to (or write to the gang at the WMI online support group and get some online support).  If I've heard it once, I've heard it (or read it) a thousand times: - "...we're all in this together, to improve our health and to let go of our old, harmful habits..."  And, I have to admit that I have learned that identifying problems and not sharing about them isn't especially constructive.  There's no questions that support is a key factor in weight loss success.  So - back to some healthy habits with renewed vigor.

It's late - more later...
But I'll celebrate for a moment my successes - I guess it's helpful to identify that 80 pounds is pretty good!  *high fiving my supporters who read this*

Good night.

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