Other Useful Resources

Dietary Topics
The Daily Plate  Offers a food tracker,  calorie counter, nutrition facts.

The Spark People Offers motivational and inspirational informational information about exercise and eating.

Fit Day Free online food and exercise tracking site.

Eat Right.org A website sponsored by the American Dietetic Association
Diet Facts Nutrition facts for common restaurant menus

Lap Band Talk Info and support for those who have had or are considering lap band surgery

Physical Activity

Geocaching Treasure Hunting for cash using compass/GPS.  Who said activity has to be boring?

Arthritis Association The Arthritis Association

Oregon Pools Swimming/Therapy pools throughout Oregon

Bariatric Food Products

Bariatric Advantage
18005 Sky Park Circle
Building 54, Suite A-D
Irvine, CA 92614
Toll free: (800) 898-6888

Bariatric Choice
Toll-Free Phone: 1-800-993-1143 Fax: 910-395-2452
Hours:  8:30 am to 5:00 pm EST, Monday-Friday. After-Hours the Call Center is open for sales calls only evenings and weekends.
Mail: Bariatric Choice
c/o Diet Direct, Inc. 

          3200 Corporate Drive, Suite B

          Wilmington, NC 28405

Bariatric Food Source
Address:  409 Brown St.  #304
                Akron, OH 44311
Web Site: http//:www.BariatricFoodSource.com

Nashua Nutrition
Mail: Nashua Nutrition
         522 Amherst Street, Suite 1

         Nashua, NH 03063 

Phone: 1.800.649.1374 

Fax: 1.800.649.1374 

Toll free at 1-800-517-5111