I also came across a really amazing book, Exodus from Obesity: The Guide to Long Term Success After Weight Loss Surgery © 2003 by Paula Peck, RN. ISBN 0-9728050-1.
This book is outstanding for several reasons. First, it is quite readable, and personable in its tone. There is a real sense of the writer’s experience, insight, and knowledge about gastric bypass from both a medical and personal point of view.
Another remarkable aspect about this book is the honest and sensitive way that Ms. Peck discusses those sometimes embarrassing and delicate circumstances that we’ve all experienced as obese people. An example might be needing to consider available accessible seating on planes, in movie, theaters, auditoriums, or even doctor office waiting rooms. I could relate to these and other examples because aside from needing to ask for a seat belt extender on airlines, I have also had to purchase a seatbelt extender for my car, and have even had to search for alternate seating in a lecture hall at a local hospital. These circumstances aren't all seating related, obviously, but they are very recognizable for most of us.
Ms. Peck writes about these and other emotional aspects of obesity with first-hand knowledge, and shares from this perspective her success since her Gastric Bypass in 1999.
Aside from Pre and Post-op experiences, and discussions about the basics of food choices and eating styles,re are a few of the more relevant topics:
· Relationship Changes After Gastric Bypass Surgery
· Dealing with Self Defeating Behaviors
· Sexuality
· Adapting to your New Image
· Preparing Emotionally for Weight Loss, & more...
I was so taken by this book, and so motivated and inspired by her sensitive and direct tone that I emailed Ms. Peck to share my feelings about the book and to ask permission to reprint several items for use in this blog. Much to my delight, she was willing to allow me to reprint the items that I thought would be helpful: a List of Protein Grams per Average Serving, and some general Sugar Information: listing substances that form sugar, contain sugar, are refined sugar, and the Quick Sugar Reference. Look for these items soon on the Useful Resources page.
Many, many thanks to author Paula Peck for her warmth and generosity (and written permission) in allowing me to reprint these wonderful resources on this blog.
Many, many thanks to author Paula Peck for her warmth and generosity (and written permission) in allowing me to reprint these wonderful resources on this blog.
Coming soon: Fortune Cookie Therapy -- The best way to predict the future is to create it.